Investing in Cannabis Startups

If you are not sure of the medical uses for cannabis, please watch this 4 part CNN report. 


I am currently leading a syndicate that is investing in Cannabis startups. I have partnered with Cannaprenuer Partners in Westborough and they are handling the deal flow and vetting potential deals. It is simply stunning what is out there.

The syndicate is going into the venture on the Founder’s level so we will have the best access to upcoming deals in the space.  It is open, so if you are an accredited investor and are interested in learning about investing in cannabis startups, just send me an email to or call/text 508-619-4410 and I can get you started in the process.

Below is a brief introduction to the group. Keep coming back here as more content will be added soon…


Cannapreneur Presentation by Todd Sullivan on Scribd

MA Cannabis Industry by Todd Sullivan on Scribd