
ValuePlays Most Read Posts For February

The following were the most read posts on the site in February

1- The ValuePlays Portfolio
2- Total Return Yield- A Measure Of Value
3- Memo To Dow CEO Liveras– Please Do Not Sell Out
4- Vindication: Thy Name Is Howard Schultz
5- ValuePlays Enhanced Features Subscription

We are staring to catch on out there in the “blog sphere”. At least I think so? Daily traffic to ValuePlays surged 640% the past 30 days, subscriptions jumped 260% and posts are beginning to pop up in different media. I guess that means that even if we have not officially “caught on”, at least we are on the right track? Share the wealth and spread the word, email articles to your friends, encourage them to sign up for the email or Rss feeds to get free daily updates or, if you are getting the Enhanced Features subscription that is only $6.99 a month and like it, write me and tell me why (or suggest how I can make it better).

Other notables:

– I have added an email link on the main page. Feel free to email me thoughts and ideas for stocks or general investing. I cannot promise a time table for a reply but I will try to be prompt. I can generally make a “no buy” decision rather quickly so the longer it takes to hear back, the better.

– Criticism and /or complaints are welcome also just, keep them constructive. I can promise insulting or otherwise inappropriate email will be deleted immediately and the email address blocked. If you are so inclined to send one, make it a good one because it will be the last.

– I am always looking for way to better the site and frequent visitors at times have noticed some odd things as I learn programing code “on the fly” as they say. Feel free to email any ideas to me. I cannot promise I will act on them but they will be considered. Any legitimate suggestion to better your experience on the site will get serious consideration.

– Stock or investing ideas may be used in a future post, your email address will not.
