
The Viewing Day

So, here is how things are beginning to shape up between CNBC and FOX

It looks like the morning is pure CNBC. “Squawk” with Kernan and Co. decimates anything the newbie network has to offer (not that the FOX show is bad, it is getting better) and I am such a Mark Haines fan that FOX would have to come up with something awfully special to make me switch channels.

But, it is increasingly looking like the afternoon may belong to the folks at FOX. CNBC seems to have sensed this and the afternoon offerings and placement of people there have been jumping around the past few weeks. FOX has a solid crew in place (most of them are from the weekend shows that have been on for years) and the addition of Liz Claymen (and her Buffett connection) will only serve to strengthen the line up. The shows flow well and the personalities work well together either when they agree or disagree.

Also, they do spend more time on segments which means they do tend to get more in depth than CNBC does into the subject at hand. This is both good and bad, if you are into the conversation, it is a plus but if it is about a topic that bores you, you may be more likely to change the channel. Personally, I like it.

Week one is in the books for FOX and despite a real shaky Day 1, it appears as though they are finding their footing and at least in the afternoon, will provide CNBC some real competition.

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2 replies on “The Viewing Day”

I agree, Mark is terrific. He has a dry sense of humor that is very entertaining since he is not trying to funny, which when anchors try to be cute it just makes them look dumb and…just dumb. You may know what I am referring to, you may not, but 9-10 times when news anchor says bye to the weatherman (or whomever) after he finishes his report, somebody will say something and look stupid.

But I love CNBC in the morning FOX will never out do that. Joe and David too. All entertaining and very profession and thorough. The sfternoon though is pretty weak. I am sick of Maria. It really goes down hill. I wondered what happened to Liz months ago, I had really started to warm up to her. Glad she is back, even if its on FOX. You can me over there for the most part of the afternoon. But if fox wants to do it right they would have to buy the whole squawk crew and bring them over.


i agree. liz and bolling had 90 day no compete clauses and that is why the disappeared.

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