
Buffett on Dateline (video) $$

Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK.A) Warren Buffett talk about his support for Barack Obama, the economy and what needs to be done..

Wall St. Newsletters

So, the first half of the interview was obviously written by the Obama Press Team and is little more than a “isn’t our guy great” puff piece, only missing Brokaw and Buffett hugging and kissing as tears of unbridled joy steam down their faces. The middle two minutes of it actually has some value in economic terms. For those only interested in that, go to 2:50 of the interview. The last minute is more of the first.

It is unfortunate though that Brokaw had Buffett on and all that was gleemed from the interview was a recitation of what we have been hearing about Obama and two minutes of the current economic climate..

An opportunity missed…

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