
GE on the Hot Seat

GE (GE) is having an investor meeting today.

Wall St. Newsletters

Some commentary:

Too be honest I blew in on GE. When shares sat around $7 and $8 I fiddled on buying more shares but decided to wait due to the uncertainty I had about it. With shares today over $11, look like I let 50% run by me in a week and a half.

Will I run out and buy now? No.

I still think both GE ans the market as a whole now are due for a pull back. The good news is I am more convinced that GE will be just fine. When the pullback comes, I will be ready to buy this time.

If it never comes, oh well. At least the shares I already own are making some money…just not as much. I guess the lesson here is to trust yourself?

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long GE

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3 replies on “GE on the Hot Seat”

I think that by ignoring the likelihood of short-term price swings and sticking to buying solid businesses when offered at a signiificant discount to intrinsic value, you can avoid misses like these. I could tell you felt good about GE back at $6 (just as I did), but you held out for a better price, essentially betting that it would fall further. That’s why I asked you if you were a trader or an investor at the time… it seemed to me that a trader’s mentality blocked you from making the decision you knew you wanted to make.

no…..was not sure if there was another bombshell when capital had the conference today coming..

Well, then… can’t fault yourself for not pulling the trigger. You went with your best judgment at the time.

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