
David Rosenberg on the "End of the Recession" (video)

Interview and discussion with David Rosenberg of the Gluskin Sheff & Associates on both Fox Biz and Bloomberg. He talks about the comments from Krugman and Greenspan.

Rosenberg is one of the few that have nailed everything to date. Whether you agree with him or not, you must take his thoughts with a huge grain of salt. He also boosts his cause in my eyes as not being as dire as either Roubini or Taleb who seem to call for the “end of days” on a regular basis. Rosenberg is far more rational.

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2 replies on “David Rosenberg on the "End of the Recession" (video)”

Good call. Rosenberg is WAY more rational than a Taleb or Roubini, and I believe a lot more credible. Basically Taleb and Roubini got their 15 minutes by being the biggest extremists.

You can agree and you can disagree with the guy but “a huge grain of salt” means be very skeptical of what he says. It is always prudent to make up one’s own mind but you appear to be saying here is a guy to listen to BUT with everything he says “take a huge grain of salt”. Unfortunately,people took what he had to say with such a truckload of salt that they don’t have their CEO jobs anymore.

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