
Finally An Analyst Meritocracy……Welcome to Estimize

First things first. In full disclosure I am an initial investor in @Estmize. I was eager to do so because I believe it has tremendous value not only to investors, but to users. Take $F for instance. ValuePlays subscriber Scott has nailed earnings to the penny the last two quarters. NO other analyst on Wall St. has done so. Yet, thousands of investors are relying on the data provided by all those other analysts. @Estimize will give Scott and plenty of others like him a platform to prove and display their ability. It will, at the same time give investors a superior data source when they are making potential investing decisions.

As @Estimize tracks numbers and ranks users, the best will rise to the top in a true meritocracy. Does anyone know offhand what the $JPM auto analyst accuracy rate is when predicting earnings for the auto sector? Estimize will tell you not only what the analyst accuracy rate is but what the Estimize community’s accuracy rate is. Investors will now have one place where they go to view all the data and finally, finally have a place to find out who is the best for the companies they follow….

The importance of this cannot be understated….it is very exciting

Here it is…

Business Insider has a great slide deck of the site here