
Why You Should ALWAYS Ignore the Headline

Now, we know for a fact people react to the headlines before they even bother digging into the data. If you doubt that, simply watch the stock market react to every headline that crosses the wire.

I am sure by now we have all heard what happened to housing prices in China in June, right? I mean if you read the headlines, you’d for sure be informed as to the reality over there. Here are some headlines from Reuters, WSJ, BBC, Marketwatch etc….

China Home Prices Rebound

China Home Prices Flat in June

Home Prices Rise in More China Cities

China Home Prices Flat

China June Home Prices Down 1.5%

China Property Prices Rise in June after Declines

Got it? After reading those headlines is is obvious to even the most dimwitted of folks China home prices were down/flat/up in June.

Read folks…..don’t just react. It is more than possible you are smarter and better at interpreting the data than the guy/gal writing the headline is